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COVID-19 company response

Bystronic Inc. COVID-19 Company Response In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Bystronic Inc. is committed to caring for the health and well-being of our employees, contractors, vendors and customers.

Please continue to read more about the latest decisions and measures being made by the company, in preparation for a safe re-opening. 

The following rules and guidelines pertain to:

  • Employees
  • Customers or Visitors
  • Contractors
  • Truck Drivers
  • Vendors


For the mutual safety of all visitors to the Bystronic Hoffman Estates facility and of all employees, all Bystronic Employees will be following these guidelines:

  1. Self-monitor temps at home. Do NOT report to work if you have a temp at or over 100.4. Notify your supervisor if not coming in. Do NOT report to work if you have 2 or more other possible COVID symptom
    a.   Fever or chills
    b.   Cough
    c.    Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
    d.    Fatigue
    e.    Muscle or body ache
    f.     Headache
    g.    New loss of taste or smell
    h.    Sore throat
    i.     Congestion or runny nose
    j.     Nausea or vomiting
    k.    Diarrhea
  2. Inform your supervisor and go home IMMEDIATELY if you start to feel unwell or experience 2 or more possible COVID symptoms.
  3. Continue to support telework if a family/household member is diagnosed with COVID, or if you are unable to  secure child care for a dependent child age 13 or under.
  4. If an employee contracts COVID-19, they should remain isolated at home for a minimum of 10 days after symptom onset and can be released after feverless and feeling well (without fever-reducing medication) for at  least 72 hours OR has 2 negative COVID-19 tests in a row, with testing done at least 24 hours apart.

Entering, Leaving and Working Inside the Building

  • Employees must wear face masks when entering and leaving the building.
  • Hand sanitizer will be placed at the employee entrance. Please use it whenever entering or leaving the building.
  • Everyone must maintain social distancing for the safety of all. This can be accomplished by maintaining a minimum of 6’ of distance between individuals, and wearing face coverings (masks) when this is not possible. All employees will need to wear masks when social distancing cannot be maintained.
  • When you are seated at your desk, and there is no one within 6’ of your workstation, face coverings will not be necessary.
  • Employees with offices have sufficient space to be able to work without a face covering.

Customers and Visitors

  • All customers or visitors must be pre-approved with appointments.
  • Face masks are required and must be worn when entering and leaving the building. We will provide face masks if you don’t have one.
  • We will put hand sanitizer at visitor entrance and we encourage customers/visitors to use it whenever entering or leaving building.

Contractors, Truck Drivers and Vendors

  • Any contractor, truck driver or vendor must wear a mask and enter through the loading dock at the back of the building, facing north.
  • Maintain social distancing at all times and are encouraged to use hand sanitizer at the sanitizing station upon entry.

We thank you for your cooperation and understanding as we navigate through this unprecedented time, together!