AI is changing millions of jobs

A third of working hours could be automated
Ai is changing jobs

If AI is introduced quickly in Europe and the USA, around 30 percent of current working hours could be automated by technology.

Artificial intelligence (AI) could change the everyday working lives of millions of people. In Germany, up to 3 million jobs would be affected by 2030, which corresponds to 7 percent of total employment. This is according to a study by the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) in Düsseldorf. According to the study, if AI is introduced quickly in Europe and the USA, around 30 percent of current working hours could be automated by technology.


In the USA and Europe, this technologization of the workplace would result in around 12 million job changes. According to the researchers, there is a “risk of greater polarization of the labour market”. This means there could be more high-paid jobs but too few qualified workers.

At the same time, there could be a surplus of workers for existing low-paid jobs

McKinsey Global Institute


Office jobs most affected

In Europe, employees in the two lowest wage groups will have to change jobs three to five times as often as the highest earners. According to the data, the biggest upheavals will affect office jobs: Up to 54 percent of expected job changes in Germany fall into this area.


According to the study, Germany and Italy are particularly affected, as office support activities account for a high proportion of total employment. Customer service and sales (17%) and production (16%) follow at a considerable distance.