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Social Media Guidelines

The Internet has become an integral part of our everyday lives.
We use it for a wide range of activities, such as gathering information or watching TV, viewing videos or listening to music. On social media, such as Facebook, XING, LinkedIn, and Twitter, we engage in dialogue with others. For both companies and individuals, this form of interaction entails both opportunities and risks.

At Bystronic we are determined to use these channels and forms of communication, and to support your voluntary social media commitment. To achieve this, we need a uniform understanding of what must be considered when using social media. This is why, in addition to our Guidelines, we have also prepared a glossary explaining the most common social media terms.

You are our brand ambassadors

The employees are the face and voice of Bystronic. You are one of our brand ambassadors – both on the Internet and during your day-to-day work. The manner in which we all interact with our colleagues, customers, suppliers, and guests defines how Bystronic is perceived.
We regularly publish posts on our social media channels. If you would like to, you can follow us both on LinkedIn and Facebook. We always appreciate your likes and comments, as well as any posts you share with your friends.

Recommendations for the use of social media

The separation of private and professional use of social media channels is not always straightforward.
Thus, unconsidered use of social media can result in data protection and/or professional confidentiality violations.
For this reason, in the following, we want to raise your awareness for the correct approach to using social media:

Quality over quantity

Ensure your posts are of high quality. Think about what exactly you want to publish and whether it will be of interest to your readers. Please note that each network has its own guidelines and format requirements that must be observed.

If you are uncertain about whether you are permitted to post a photo or whether your comment is appropriate, obtain a second opinion. When you post something, think whether you would write this post tomorrow as well – for example, instead of posting while you are angry, it is better to sleep on it.


In theory, anyone can «listen in» on social media.

Thus, Bystronic’s secret, internal, and confidential information, as well as any personal details about others, have no place there!
Inquiries about the company and about current events, for example from journalists, are responded to exclusively by Corporate Communications. If you have any questions or uncertainties, please contact: corcom@!zilch!

The law also applies on the Web

The purpose of laws is to protect us and others. That is why they must always be adhered to. This is just as true in real life as it is on the Internet. In particular, copyrights are often overlooked. So if you intend to post pictures, texts, videos, or similar content, which is not your own, you must first obtain the consent of the copyright owner and indicate this in your post.