News Talent development at Bystronic
For pupils and students, an apprenticeship or internship with Bystronic are the ideal stepping stones to the international business world. Our employee Marcel Fiedler seized this opportunity: He started working for Bystronic at our production location in Gotha as an intern, then as a working student. Today, Marcel is an applications technician and trainer for Bystronic in the US.
International development opportunities are open to every employee at Bystronic. This July, for example, within the framework of Bystronic’s “Young Professionals” exchange program, three apprenticeship graduates set out from our Swiss headquarters in Niederönz for a five-month stint at our Chinese production location in Tianjin.
Leaders also benefit from Bystronic’s talent promotion. In March, a Leadership Development Program (LDP) for junior managers took place in the Black Forest region in Germany. In parallel, an upcoming seminar for mid-level and senior managers is currently under preparation. The goal behind the LDP is to ensure that the participants have a common understanding of leadership, as well as to encourage creativity and entrepreneurship.
As part of a new Talent Development Program (TDP), our parent company Conzzeta also fosters young managers from all business units worldwide. These efforts focus on the development of leadership skills, intercultural collaboration, getting to know Conzzeta’s various business units, and establishing an overarching network across Conzzeta.
Over the past few months, within the framework of the program, 15 TDP participants cooperated transnationally and dealt with real business scenarios. The goal behind the various team projects was to develop and implement a profitable innovation for their company. The best projects received awards in the categories “Best Growth”, “Best Innovation” and “Best Learning” during an award ceremony in Hong Kong at the end of June. With their project “Configurable Automation Solutions”, the Managing Director of Bystronic Canada Roberto Nicoli and Peter Kramer, Sales Manager for Denmark, won the “Best Growth Award”.