Ada Lovelace - Naratek

News “Naratek shall inspire and surprise”

Naratek, Bystronic’s new digital magazine, tells stories about technologies of the future. “Our approach is critical, but constructive,” says Stefan Jermann, Editor-in-Chief of the Bystronic magazines and initiator of Naratek, in this interview.

Bystronic’s new digital magazine is set at the intersection between technology, science, society, and culture and has just won one of the prestigious “Best of Swiss Web” awards. How does this blend of topics relate to sheet metal processing?

In deed, we are quite proud to having received this award within less than a year from the launch.With Naratek, Bystronic wants to extend its perspective beyond the boundaries of our own industry. What awaits us in the future? As a technology provider, this question is of interest to us even outside the sheet metal processing sector. Nonetheless, sheet metal processing companies are obviously an important target group. We hope to inspire and surprise them and all our other readers with our stories, interviews, and background articles.

How so?

Naratek features stories that are not to be found elsewhere: We portray the people behind the new technologies, their motives, their visions. We illustrate developments and critically scrutinize trends. We do this in detail, with powerful imagery, and a high degree of creativity – the articles frequently also transcend conventional forms of journalistic presentation.

Naratek is not only creative itself, but also writes about art.

Correct, art is one of Naratek’s core topics. Because as Steve Jobs once said: Creativity is the foundation of all groundbreaking innovation. It is likely that countless startups were born out of a crazy idea or a gimmick of some kind. Simultaneously, art is increasingly experimenting with technology. This is an incredibly fascinating topic.

What other topics does Naratek focus on?

Of course, artificial intelligence and robotics are key aspects of future technologies. In particular, we are interested in approaches by people who are striving to improve the world and our society.

So Naratek wants to contribute towards sustainability.

Yes, we believe that we should already today think about the world of tomorrow and actively help to shape it. Naratek is thus committed to constructive journalism that neither glorifies nor demonizes progress. Journalism that recognizes problems and risks for what they are while simultaneously highlighting possible solutions. When researching our articles, we talk to renowned experts, scientist, but also to unconventional thinkers.

However, the prerequisite for constructive journalism is independence. How critical can Naratek be?

Although Naratek is published by Bystronic, it is independent in terms of content. This is why the company remains in the background. The editorial team is made up of experienced journalists. With Naratek, Bystronic aims to shine a nuanced spotlight on relevant, pioneering, and stimulating topics. After all, this is also a part of our corporate culture. Of course, we ultimately also want to create new synergies with universities and other companies. But you will certainly not find any glossy PR texts on Naratek.

Apart from Bystronic customers, who is Naratek’s target audience?

Naratek addresses everyone who is interested in new technologies, insights, and perspectives. Naratek is not a “nerd-tekkie” magazine – there is already a very good selection of such publications. Rather, it is a knowledge platform with compelling storytelling. We have already attracted an international readership, and we publish in German and English.

The magazine has now been online for half a year. What has the response been like?

Encouraging. Not only have universities, companies, and experts opened their doors to us – something that cannot be taken for granted. We have also recorded an above-average reading time. And this despite the fact that at least two thirds of our readers access Naratek on their mobile phones. Our concept of providing a digital magazine with exclusive, well-founded, in-depth stories appears to be paying off. People are even willing to read on their mobile phones – provided the quality of the content is worth their while.

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Sarah Hadorn

ANNA - Naratek
Esther Hunziker - Naratek
Terzo Millenio Lamborghini - Naratek
Shoe insoles with sensors - Naratek

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Sarah Hadorn